A Chant, for US.

Jefferson Thomas Freeman
2 min readJun 26, 2019


I thought we needed better chants for our upcoming peaceful protests. I don’t know how to start a protest, nor do I know how to sing, so I wrote a sea shanty.

So, with further adieu:

I thought we could borrow it from the Norwegians to stop our king before it’s too late. Just saying take a news cycle and imagine if the last two years continue, aren’t You tired?

Our Supreme Leader Cheeto Bell-Grande, wants more Norwegians so maybe this song will attract some to come give us some of their sweet architecture or whatever they make (oil).

Anyway here’s the first new old American song that’s actually Norwegians singing an Australian sea shanty, feels perfect for US:

Btw the video starts at the end of the first verse beginning of the second verse so it can be a bit wonky if you’re trying to sing along to the tune.

(lol is pronounced laul)

We’re Soon a Fascist Nation

In Cold Liberty, I was born, tweet away, lol away
In Cold Liberty free for few, we’re soon a Fascist Nation

Shooo away our orange king, tweet away, lol away
lol away, you’ll hear me sing, we’re soon a Fascist Nation

As I read the morning news, tweet away, lol away
’Twas there I saw Miss Bobert Barr, we’re soon a Fascist Nation

Shooo away our orange king, tweet away, lol away
lol away, you’ll hear me sing, we’re soon a Fascist Nation

Nancy dear, impeach him now, tweet away, lol away
Don’t play chicken with coward and a clown, we’re soon a Fascist Nation

Shooo away our orange king, tweet away, lol away
lol away, you’ll hear me sing, we’re soon a Fascist Nation

If we’re honest we’ve never been great, tweet away, lol away
Greatness is about tempting fate, we’re soon a fascist nation.

Shooo away our orange king, tweet away, lol away
lol away, you’ll hear me sing, we’re soon a Fascist Nation

Perhaps the facists have already won, tweet away, lol away
We’re locking children in cages and crates, we’re soon a fascist nation.

Shooo away our orange king, tweet away, lol away
lol away, you’ll hear me sing, we’re a Fascist Nation

Shooo away our orange king, tweet away, lol away
lol away, you’ll hear me sing, we’re a Fascist Nation


Filename: FascistShanty1.docx



Jefferson Thomas Freeman

Perpetual Anti-Candidate for President of the United States of America.