Dear ̶D̶i̶a̶r̶y̶Internet (NSFW)
October 31st 2019 —Impeachment Diaries Ep. 1
Dear ̶D̶i̶a̶r̶y̶Internet,
So the impeachment proceedings have been formalized, and I thought I would start a Daily Diary Public for the duration of the proceedings. If you are easily offended or aghast by politics and political philosophy please stop reading now. I will delve deeply into topics ranging from the deep web to my bread-making. It also may be boring to those of you who prefer instant gratification. But I will say if you don’t really “like” politics, I would urge you to just pay attention a little bit more than usual, your friends’ kids will be asking you about the impeachment of Donald Trump in 20 years. Think of Impeachment as a Solar Eclipse, You don’t really care about astronomy on a daily basis, but a Solar Eclipse only happens like once a generation at most, so when there is a Solar Eclipse you look at the sky.
Think of Impeachment as a Solar Eclipse, You don’t really care about astronomy on a daily basis, but a Solar Eclipse only happens like once a generation at most, so when there is a Solar Eclipse you look at the sky.
Anyway, I do like politics, and have made my life being as close to the action as possible. Politics is literally the structure of our society and to me that’s pretty interesting. Besides impeachments are rare and there has never been a conviction during the trial in the Senate. And this impeachment looks as though it may go to trial, he appears guilty as heck, and I doubt Trump is going to resign. So this impeachment is like the Sun going out for a whole day, or something. I don’t know astronomy well, but I figured I would be curious my own thoughts on the impeachment when I turn 75.
So if you are interested in my take on all of this, I guess read this daily diary. But I warn you it’s gonna get very weird. I’d like to start with my father. Whom I have been writing in my diary about a lot since his passing. I actually used to feel most comfortable writing in my diary. I wrote my diary on google docs every morning and it helped me put my dream of being a writer on track. But after my father passed away I stopped. I still wanted to but the words just didn’t come out of my fingers and onto the screen. Then I realized that I just don’t trust Google anymore. And it’s hard to write in a diary when you don’t trust the diary’s binding.
So this column is in part a goodbye to google, and me giving up on privacy. I will be giving up Facebook soon enough too, but I wanted to talk about google for a bit, because it’s related to my father. I only remember seeing my father with the excitement of a boy a few times. And I remember my father being super excited about google. It was the first time I saw his face gleeful and giddy. He explained to me the concept of a Google and a Googleplex. Huge numbers that the human mind can barely comprehend, or maybe not at all. He regaled about all of the information now at the figure tips of anyone with an internet connection. He showed me how to use Boolean logic to get more concise search results.
I remember not listening to school Librarian was teaching us how to use YaHooligans or whatever search engine for kids they wanted us to use. Because by that time I had explored the internet at depth using google, and Yahooligans felt like a go-kart compared to the Ferrari I had been driving.
But google was a synonym with the internet for me. And the internet is synonymous with my father, because he instilled me with the idea that any knowledge was findable if you were patient enough to learn. Which really is what my father’s memory is all about.
Yet, I think I need to let go of my google addiction slowly from here forward. I think I am finally ready to give up my Gmail. I realized I might need to move on to when Google stopped muttering “Don’t be Evil” over and over again to itself, I find it hard to trust Google now. Like why did Google stop muttering “Don’t be Evil” over and over again to itself. If I am honest, in the time since, I think I’ve realized that the fact that Google did mutter “Don’t be Evil” over and over again to itself was the only reason I trusted Google in the first place.
So I have switched to Outlook, Microsoft seems Trustworthy, or at least Bill Gates does. He is at least obviously self-aware. He doesn’t seem to be hiding anything, and in fact he devotes the majority of his time to solving the biggest problems in the world, not running his information company.
If you need to reach me, my email is
Not too much happening today in my world. I took our dog for a long walk with her spider costume on. It was hilarious. Uh, I am excited for the Ticker Tape parade for the Nationals on Saturday. One of the other times I saw my father giddy like a child was when Max Scherzer threw a no hitter. My father kept school on a piece of paper and explained why it really should have been a perfect game. But to me is was a perfect game. I had taken my father to the ballpark for Fathers Day that day. It was really special, so this World Series is the first time I have felt really touched by a team winning a championship. It really is electric, I understand why y’all like sports now. Sorry I have been such a poser.
But onto the point of these diaries, Impeachment. All that really happened today with impeachment was that the Democrats voted to formalize the process and the President openly tried to commit felony bribery.
I guess before this vote the Democrats were doing like a sort of of a pre-game of the impeachment proceeding behind closed doors. Republicans were allowed to go to the Pre-game but instead they just rung their hands. The Donkeys were merely using rules created by the Elephants when they wanted to investigate Hillary for BenGlazy or whatever.
But, it’s the Democrats turn to investigate the Republican’s guy, and I gotta be honest it doesn’t look good for Trump. He displayed his astounding incompetence at covering up massive corruption by handing the public a transcript summary which all but makes it clear he had a Quid pro quo arrangement with Ukraine. Lord do we live in the strangest story-line. Sorry Republicans, but when your guy fucks up this badly of course the opposing party is gonna make the undoing of your President, slow and public.
JUST like Y’all would do if the tables were turned. Remember when you made Hillary testify for like 15 hours about BenGlazy or whatever? If the tables were turned Y’alls outrage for the Democrats cries of foul-play would be deafening. The impeachment proceedings would be dawn and quartered on every major news network on earth, just like they were when Hillary’s husband lied about a blowjob and Y’all lost your britches. If the tables were turned Y’all would make the death knell of the Democratic Party a Media Carnival. [NotSponsored Content: Carnival Cruiselines: Destroy the planet faster and more completely with a vacation on our most Massively polluting and Naturally Unstable Ships ever! Now with bigger water slides!]
I am sure the News will be coming hot and fast from now on so make sure to read my Diary daily to get an inaccurate and highly opinionated take on things.
Jefferson Thomas Freeman.
Unofficial Clerk of Donald Trump’s Impeachment.
P.S. Dear ̶D̶i̶a̶r̶y̶Internet (NSFW) is Presented by SaturaVeritas.
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