The Show Starts Soon.(NSFW)

November 6th, 2019 — Impeachment Diaries Ep. 5

Jefferson Thomas Freeman
2 min readNov 6, 2019

Dear ̶D̶i̶a̶r̶y̶Internet,

The world is still on fire. But instead let’s to recap yesterday’s impeachment news in a bit more in detail:

Democrats flipped both houses of the Virginia State Legislature. Providing further evidence that Trump hurts the GOP’s elect-ability.

— The Republican Governor of Kentucky refuses to concede the Gubernatorial Election he lost. The election happened a day after Cheeto Bell-Grande held a rally for Matt Bevin in the bluegrass state and said, “If you lose, it sends a really bad message … you can’t let that happen to me”. As you can see our Dear Leader is a selfless man.

— Gordon Sondland, the presumptive fall guy for the Buffooner in Chief, decided he was not going to be the Oliver North of 2019 and detailed the explicit quid pro quo the administration had floated to Ukraine.

— Mike Pence’s hometown of Columbus, Indiana was won by Democrats for the first time in nearly 40 years, and a shocking report was released detailing how the Vice President “meddled in foreign aid to reroute money to favored christian groups.”

Then Today,

Adam Schiff announced that the impeachment show will premier next week, on November 13th.

The Impeachment Show will start soon, and I think it will be quite lively.

As far as me, I had a good day enjoying this fine fall day, took my Girlfriend’s pug to the dog park, and worked on scheduling my upcoming trip to Iceland.


Jefferson Thomas Freeman.
Unofficial Clerk of Donald Trump’s Impeachment.

[Legal P.S.] Dear ̶D̶i̶a̶r̶y̶Internet (NSFW) is Presented by SaturaVeritas. Truth in Satire.

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Jefferson Thomas Freeman

Perpetual Anti-Candidate for President of the United States of America.